Accommodation in Santiago de Compostela Adventures

hostels, youth hosteles and guesthouses in Santiago de Compostela

  • Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña • View on map

    Pensión Pazo de Agra is in Santiago de Compostela, at just two minutes away from the Cathedral in the emblematic Rúa da Caldereria. 13 rooms are available and distributed across its two... More info

    30 Reviews

    from 32€

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  • Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña • View on map

    Pensión Residencia Nebraska is in Rúa do Pombal nº 41, in the centre of Santiago de Compostela. We offer four cosy and comfortable rooms, two of which are single and two are double. One... More info

    from 29€

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  • Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña • View on map

    Casa dos Albardonedo is a pleasant and quiet lodging located in the residential area of Roxos, in Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña). The accommodation is an ensemble of old buildings from 1815 that... More info

    3 Reviews

    from 41€

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