Accommodation in San Vicente de la Barquera near Oficina de turismo de San Vicente de la Barquera

Oficina de turismo de San Vicente de la Barquera

The locality of San Vicente de la Barquera homes a magnificent Tourist Office that provides touristic information of interest about the locality and its surroundings. The office is situated on Avenida Antonio Gallery, 6. The telephone to contact for tourist information is 942 71 07 97.. It's possible to gather all the information needed about hostels, hotels, restaurants, and tourist and leisure activities. If you are thinking of visiting the locality of San Vicente de la Barquera we offer inexpensive lodgings that are closet o the Tourist Office.

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0 results found in San Vicente de la Barquera near Oficina de turismo de San Vicente de la Barquera

  • San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria • View on map

    to 0.30 kms from the center of Oficina de turismo de San Vicente de la Barquera. Los Apartamentos Rincón del Puerto están situados en el puerto de la localidad cántabra de San Vicente de la Barquera, rodeados de naturaleza. Son alojamientos de 2 dormitorios y... More info

    from 59€

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  • San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria • View on map

    to 0.01 kms from the center of Oficina de turismo de San Vicente de la Barquera. Situados en la villa marinera de San Vicente de la Barquera, en un entorno natural inigualable, perfectamente equipados y de reciente construcción (año 2008). Servicios comunes:... More info

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