Hotel The Fowey Hotel


The Esplanade
- Cornwall (Show map)

from 89 €

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"Fantastic Location and beautiful views. Lovely classic set up and features."

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About Hotel The Fowey Hotel

  • About Hotel The Fowey Hotel

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Hotel The Fowey Hotel with average raiting 5/5

123 customer's reviews

Manuel (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Fantastic Location and beautiful views. Lovely classic set up and features."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Car parking is a NIGHTMARE. I thought that the hotel could offer some kind of car parking subsidy for guets who have to park at the public carpark for the night (very expensive)."
  • Pareja joven

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Very nice friendly staff, excellent food and terrific views ."
  • Pareja mayor

Richard (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"The sea views"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The price"

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Superb location.
Very clean and hygienic
Staff genuinely friendly and helpful as well as efficient
Cuisine excellent"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"car parking - unable to reserve space when booking, and when called hotel none were left (allegedly)"
  • Pareja mayor

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