South Beach Apartment

1568 Pennsylvania Avenue
Miami Beach
- Florida (Show map)

from 386 €

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"Clean and convenient location"

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South Beach Apartment with average raiting 4/5

17 customer's reviews

Anónimo (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"Good location Bien ubicado."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The price is tricky. should be clearer to announce, is listed first because it is cheaper and then it is false. The price per day is listed as us$ 75 per day and in the fine print is a charge of $ 75 additional cleaning which doubles the price. El precio es engañoso. Booking debería ser más claro al anunciarlo, aparece el primero por ser más barato y luego es falso. El precio por día aparece como 75 US$ por día y en la letra pequeña se hace un cargo de 75US$ adicionales por limpieza con lo que se duplica el precio."

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"Clean and convenient location"
Is there anything you didn't like?
"They charge automatically $75 for cleaning fee. I just stayed one night so it feels like a ripe-off. I am not happy at all about it. It's a condo unit, so there is no proper reception. One of the resident took me to the main office...."

Anónimo (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"The location, the apartment conditions are perfect, everything that you needed it you have it there! I felt that I was in my home!
The treatment was really nice!!"

Maude (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"I love love love this hotel type apt.... Best place ever to stay in
Miami, Florida. For sure I'm going to book here again!!! I just love
it the bed is comfy the shower place to so f$@*ken amazing the kitchen
is just perfect....."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Have nothing to say it just a perfect hotel!!!"
  • Pareja joven

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