Hotel Massimo Plaza Hotel


Via Maqueda 437
- Palermo (Show map)

from 68 €

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"I really liked the location. The staff was also lovely and helped me carry my bags up and down the stairs. The staff was very helpful in every way."

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About Hotel Massimo Plaza Hotel

  • About Hotel Massimo Plaza Hotel

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Hotel Massimo Plaza Hotel with average raiting 3/5

3 customer's reviews

Ulrike (5/5)


What did you like the most?
"I really liked the location. The staff was also lovely and helped me carry my bags up and down the stairs. The staff was very helpful in every way."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"The only thing I didn't like about this hotel was that it was always noisy. The rooms are not sound proof so you could hear everyone talking all the time. I had to use ear plugs to try and sleep."

Dilva (3/5)


What did you like the most?
"Located in central position, staff helpful and kind. Posizione centrale per visitare la città, staff gentile."
Is there anything you didn't like?
"Entrance on 1st floor wihtout elevator, wifi service does not reach all rooms, basic breakfast and served only on rooms. Entrata al primo piano senza ascensore; copertura wifi non arriva in tutte le stanze, breakfast basico e servito soltanto in stanza. Piu credibile come 3 e non 4 stelle come viene presentato."

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