Accommodation > Spain > Cadiz > Accommodation in Grazalema > Hotel Puerta de la Villa
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Hotel Puerta de la Villa

Plaza Pequeña, s/n 11610 Grazalema (Cadiz) Map

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C/ Las Piedras, 32, Grazalema (Cádiz) Staying is this inn provides you comfort and a maximum serenity, as the walls isolate you from the exterior. You can also enjoy a pleasant time at the heat of the chimney or the fresh air in the patio....   More info

Search a room in Hospedería Casa de las Piedras

Types of Rooms available Beds Availabillity
1 Bedroom Apartment

Private bathroom. .
1 Bedroom Apartment

Double room with double bed

Private bathroom. .
Double room with double bed

Double room with shared bathroom

Shared bathroom. .
Double room with shared bathroom

Apartment 2 bedrooms

Private bathroom. .
Apartment 2 bedrooms


Plaza Pequeña, s/n

11610 Cadiz (Grazalema)


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