Hotel Balletti Park Hotel


Via Umbria, 2/A
- Viterbo (Show map)

from 64 €

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"The rooms are OK. The pool was to open officially on June 15, and they were re-painting all the tiles to have to pool area ready. Nevertheless the friendly staff made it possible for us to have the chairs and the pool available. Thank you !!"

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  • About Hotel Balletti Park Hotel

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Hotel Balletti Park Hotel with average raiting 4/5

2 customer's reviews

Stefano (4/5)


What did you like the most?
"The rooms are OK. The pool was to open officially on June 15, and they were re-painting all the tiles to have to pool area ready. Nevertheless the friendly staff made it possible for us to have the chairs and the pool available. Thank you !!"
  • Pareja joven

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