Hotel Aspra Mare

Concordia Mediterranea 29
- Palermo (Show map)

from 45 €

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Aspra Mare is an accommodation complex situated in a quiet area of Aspra, a coastal village in the Gulf of Palermo, located 12 km from the city. It comprises elegantly furnished and spacious rooms, providing comfortable overnight accommodation with breakfast included. Offers self-catering... Ver más

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About Hotel Aspra Mare

  • About Hotel Aspra Mare

    Aspra Mare is an accommodation complex situated in a quiet area of Aspra, a coastal village in the Gulf of Palermo, located 12 km from the city. It comprises elegantly furnished and spacious rooms, providing comfortable overnight accommodation with breakfast included. Offers self-catering apartments with a kitchen; green areas, a car park and a swimming pool provide the setting for the complex.

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  • Protection of your privacy. Your private information will be used just to confirm your booking.

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