Hostal The Snowdon House


19 Queens Rd
- Isle Of Wight (Mostrar mapa)

desde 48 €


Ver todos los comentarios (3)

"it is quiret arround the hotel, and you can take just five minutes to arrive the beach. the breakfast is good."

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Hostal The Snowdon House tiene una valoración media de 4/5

3 opiniones de clientes

Alan (4/5)


¿Qué es lo que mas te ha gustado?
"it is quiret arround the hotel, and you can take just five minutes to arrive the beach. the breakfast is good."
¿Algo que no te haya gustado?
"the bus station is not very near, but if you have a car, the location is convinient."

Alberto (4/5)


¿Qué es lo que mas te ha gustado?
"Billig og sentralt beliggende."

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