Accommodation in Barcelona near L’Aquàrium de Barcelona

L’Aquàrium de Barcelona

The aquarium of Barcelona has a set of 35 aquariums, 11,000 samples of 450 different species, a submarine tunnel of 80 meters, six million liters of water and an immense Oceanarium, only one in Europe, which makes this center a unique place having leisure interests. Also, it is the most sportive and educative center and most important in the world in Mediterranean world. The set of exhibitions which constitute it are : a recorrido for 21 acquriums which show the wonders of different marine communities of the Mediterranean sea (among which is the immense Oceanarium) and the colored tropical seas; the exhibition of Water Planet and the space Explore! If you have planned to visit the Aquarium in Barcelona, we offer you hotels and hostels at very cheap prices which will make your stay easy and comfortable.

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